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#40 seconds (A fable about defeating the darkness to live a joyful life)- Workshop

Come join an online event !

It is an opportunity to learn live from the author. In this workshop, you dive deep into your life and shape it as per your wishes.

Get in touch with us , we will provide further details on Email.


After attending this workshop you know : 

Why do you think what do you think?

How our thinking changes our hormones, brain, body and behavior?

What are the two most stupid questions you must never ask if you want to live happily ever after?

What are the two most important questions that you must ask in defeating the darkness?

NATO has banned TWO WORDS and has asked you to POSE:  It is an acronym. Once you know the true meaning of it, you will be able to bounce back no matter what. 

This workshop is for you if:

  1. You want to take full control of your life in your hands. You want to live your life on your terms.

  2. You have tried hard to find solution of your problems but got no answer.

  3. You stay awake till late night to find some escape but you have not found any.

  4. You are sick and tired of the games which life plays.

  5. You are genuinely looking for the answer to the question ‘Why me’.

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